See the Unique Way that Christians are Connecting to the Bible and Their Ancient Cultural Heritage

The 6 Aromas of the Gospel Revealed!

Dear Friend in Christ,

If you ever read the Bible and feel overcome by the power of God’s word -- the intricacies of the symbolism, the profundity of the poetry, and the boundless wisdom hidden behind even the smallest detail-- then I want to share something with you that I believe can have a positive impact on your life.

As a fellow Christian, I have felt connected to the Lord through my different senses throughout my life. . . .

The Sunday morning light shining through the brilliantly colored stained glass windows of my church creates a heavenly atmosphere, the sight of which inspires awe of the majesty of God in Heaven.

The sounds of the hymns sung by the congregation are sometimes so beautiful, my heart is filled by the Holy Ghost and I weep with emotion.

When I taste the communion wine, I am reminded of the blood that was spilled for my sake, and I praise Jesus with all my heart and mind.

But, if you read the Bible, you will find that there is something else, another sense that we could be using to connect to scripture, that is all too often overlooked. In fact, this is one of  the  most important symbolic elements in ALL of scripture. I am of course talking about fragrance and our sense of smell.

But why is biblical fragrance so important??

This is an extremely deep topic with a complex answer, but I would first point out that:

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Adoration of the Magi

The Magi bore Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold as gifts for the Baby Jesus.

Fragrant plants and their derived oils come up a lot in the Bible. And I really mean a lot. They are mentioned over six hundred times in total-- that’s an average of at least once every other page throughout the entirety of both the Old and New Testaments.

If you have ever even opened the Bible, you can’t possibly come to the conclusion that these aromatic plants don’t hold any major significance.

You see them playing a vital role everywhere, from Genesis to Revelations and from the Nativity to the Resurrection.

You may ask: If fragrance is such a foundational part of the Holy Scripture, why aren’t more Christians familiar with the specific fragrances described in detail in the Bible?

For most of history, the answer was simple: The fragrant oils and resins mentioned in the Bible were simply too exotic and precious for the average Christian to afford:

  • The frankincense and myrrh brought to the Baby Jesus by the Magi were worth more than their weight in gold.
  • The amount of costly spikenard oil that Mary Magdalene poured on His feet at the house at Bethany was worth an entire year's worth of wages at that time.
  • In today’s money, the amount of fragrant spices used to anoint the body of Jesus is estimated to have cost up to  $1 MILLION!

But in modern times, these precious substances from the Bible are quite affordable. So why have they still never become staples in the lives of practicing Christians?

Isn’t it a pity that so many dedicated believers have never even experienced the scent of Holy Frankincense, let alone that of Spikenard, the oil of Christ’s anointing?

If you are a follower of Christ, I want you to experience the power of the fragrances from His life in the sincere hope that they connect you to His word. Scent is a powerful sensory experience that can help form deeper neurological connections between memories and emotion, which is something the Bible makes ample use of by applying sensory imagery to its teachings.

To put it mildly, without experiencing these fragrances for ourselves, we are simply missing out on so much of the effect that the Bible is trying to impart on us.


This is why I have made it a priority to get these essential must-try Aromas of the Gospel into the hands (and noses) of as many Christians as possible so that they can:

Create a deeper connection to the biblical narratives and figures by engaging with the same scents and symbols that were important to people in biblical times.

Bring scripture to life in a new way while reading. For example, you can literally smell the anointing oil of the priests or the gifts brought to Jesus, creating a more meaningful and immersive reading experience.

Have a tangible daily reminder of God’s love and the sacrifice of Christ. Whenever we smell the aromas from the life of Jesus, we are reminded of the events from His life where He smelled the same, and our thoughts are gently pulled toward Him.


We Are Connecting Christians
to Their Ancient Heritage
. . . Through the Power of Smell!

Who Is Scent of Solomon?


Hello! My name is Laynie. I am the owner and founder of Scent of Solomon, a Christian company which seeks to provide good Christian products for good Christian people. Everything about my brand, from its name to its values to its products, is based on the Bible.

I am not ashamed of my Christian values, which is why Scent of Solomon proudly supports pro life charities. A percentage of every purchase will go to fight for the right to life. If you have a problem with this, I neither need nor want your business!!

We also care deeply about the quality of our products. All of Scent of Solomon’s essential oils are:

  • 100% Pure and Natural
  • Therapeutic Grade
  • GC/MS Lab Tested
  • Free of Fillers and Additives

Thank you so much for your interest in my Biblical oils. I pray that they bring you serenity and joy!

I think you can probably see how using biblical fragrance would add an entirely new immersive dimension to any Bible study by bringing the narratives to life -- especially when you recognize how prevalent they actually are in the text!

Connecting to God’s most fragrant versus in this way has changed my life. I use biblical aromas in some capacity every single day, whether it’s for study, prayer, sleep, selfcare, or even household cleaning. Using aromas such as spikenard and frankincense is what inspired me to comb the entire Gospel in order to compile an assortment of pure essential oils representing all 6 aromas from the life of Jesus Christ. This is a set fully assorted and guided by scripture and includes:

  • The exotic fragrances brought by the Wise Men to the Baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11)
  • The costly oil used to anoint the feet of Jesus by Mary Magdalene (John 12:3)
  • The precious medicine offered to Jesus as a pain relief while He hung on the cross (Mark 15:23)
  • The bottled essence of the famed cedars of Lebanon (Hosea 14:6)
  • The special flower stalk used to offer the crucified Jesus a sip of vinegar (John 19:29)
  • The spices used to anoint the body of Christ after His death (John:19:39)

Now I get it, you may be interested in sampling these fragrances for curiosity’s sake, but what exactly are you supposed to do with essential oils? What practical purpose do they serve? Before discovering biblical oils for myself, I used to think essential oil people were a little, well, kooky.

This doesn’t have to be true! If you are uncertain about the practical roles that essential oils can play in the life of a practicing Christian, here are some of my favorite uses for them!


The Three Marys brought myrrh to the tomb of Jesus. They arrived early in the morning to find the tomb empty.


God gives Moses the recipe to a special fragrant oil that he uses to anoint Aaron and everything within the tabernacle.

  • The solution to escaping the overabundance of toxic chemical cleaners in our home is to return to the Bible. Many essential oils are naturally antimicrobial-- perfect for household cleaning.
  • The ancient biblical kings greatly enjoyed these very same oils which they used as perfume.
  • Frankincense and Myrrh were the very first Christmas gifts. They remain a perfect gift for all occasions including birthdays, baptisms or confirmations, holidays, or just as a symbol of love and devotion to any loved one.
  • Diffusing biblical oils into your home can help create a pleasant and godly atmosphere for you and your family.
  • Essential oils have many remarkably beneficial properties for the skin. You can add drops of them to your soaps, shampoos, serums, and other cosmetic products, or dilute with a carrier oil and rub directly into your skin.

What Other Christians are Saying About Our Biblical Essential Oils . . . 

I had the best bible study ever with these oils! I hosted it at my house and we did a special study of fragrance in the Bible. We all got to try the oils that matched the corresponding verse and we even burned some frankincense and myrrh resin at the end. It was really fun and made for a very special time with my church friends.
— Lisa D.

As a Catholic, I have used frankincense during my daily prayers for a long time. However, I have never before tried spikenard or hyssop, so it was really cool to get to try them altogether all for the price of just one bottle of my regular frankincense. Thank you also for the free frankincense and myrrh resins.
— Matthew W.

I sent your set of oils as a gift to my niece whose daughter sadly passed away. I think it was a lot more meaningful than just sending a card. I hope the oils can help her find peace and remember to still praise God in such a difficult time.
— Sarah A.

I bought this as a birthday gift for my daughter inlaw. She was very pleased with it! Thank you so much for creating a product that is actually significant and meaningful for Christians.
— Evelyn K.

So what are the 6 oils from the life of Jesus Christ? Here they are, in no particular order:

#1: Frankincense

Frankincense is one of the most famous fragrant plants in scripture, as it makes multiple appearances throughout both the Old and New testaments. In the life of Jesus, frankincense was one of the gifts brought to the Baby Jesus by the Wise Men. At that time, frankincense was a highly prized substance worth more than its weight in gold. Frankincense symbolizes many things in the Bible including:

  • Worship and Prayer
  • The Sanctity of Jesus
  • Holiness and Divinity

#2: Myrrh

Myrrh was another gift brought by the Magi to the Baby Jesus. Traditionally used for embalming, the gift of myrrh foreshadowed the upcoming sacrifice that Jesus was to make. It is sometimes said that the myrrh used to anoint the body of Jesus after His death was the very same myrrh that was gifted at His birth. Biblical myrrh symbolizes:

  • The Sacrifice of Jesus
  • The Passion of the Christ
  • The Promise of Resurrection

#3: Spikenard

Biblical spikenard is one of the most intensely metaphorical oils from scripture owing to its central role in the story of the anointing of Jesus at Bethany. Here, Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus with an entire bottle of extremely costly oil of spikenard. The amount of oil that was used was worth at least a year’s wages at the time, certainly no small sacrifice. Spikenard has thus come to represent:

  • Selfless Devotion
  • Extravagant Love
  • Recognition of the Messiah

#4: Cedarwood


Some Christian traditions hold that cedarwood was incorporated into the cross. Regardless of the validity of these claims, cedar is an important biblical wood that was expressly named in the construction of the Temple and King Solomon’s palace. The famous cedars of Lebanon are also mentioned in scripture, adding to the rich metaphorical tradition surrounding the tree which associates it with:

  • Strength and Stability
  • Prosperity and Blessings
  • The Majesty of Creation

#5: Hyssop

The most underrated of the Biblical plants, this rare and fragrant little mountain herb serves a powerful purpose in both the New and Old Testament alike. Hyssop was used to paint the door with blood during Passover, it involved itself in purification rituals and, most notably, was the stalk used to serve Jesus a drink of vinegar immediately before He hung His head and died. Biblical hyssop is a symbol for:

  • Cleansing and Purification
  • The Absolution of Sin
  • Humility and Surrender

#6: Sandalwood

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Believed to be the “aloes” repeatedly referenced in the Bible, sandalwood features most prominently immediately following the death of Jesus when it was brought mixed with myrrh by Nicodemus to anoint His body. This, along with other mentions of aloes in the Old Testament, can lead us to associate sandalwood with the following:

  • Fragrance and Beauty
  • God's Provision
  • Respect for the Deceased
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This is the First Time Ever That
All Six Essential Fragrances of
The Gospel Have Been Specially
Assorted For Christians.

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I pray that you can find peace in these oils and that they might strengthen your understanding of the ministry and story of our Savior.

However . . .

You might point out: “Surely the Wise Men didn’t bring essential oils to the Baby Jesus?”

And you would be right. The Frankincense and Myrrh described in the Bible was likely in the form of RESIN, NOT OIL.

We want you to be able to experience the biblical aromas in their true historical form, just as Jesus did. This is why, for a limited time, we are offering 2 FREE GIFTS of both Holy Frankincense AND Myrrh Resin with every order of the pure essential oils of the Gospel!


Genuine Pure Frankincense and
Myrrh Resin Allow Us to
Experience Biblical Plants
In the Same Way as
Jesus, Mary, and the Disciples!

This is NOT your typical essential oil assortment. Unlike other oil box sets you might find that contain oils made from things like common garden herbs or discarded orange peels ( or even synthetic chemicals!), our Christian assortment contains some of the rarest and most exotic oils on the market.

This may be shocking to hear, but I have seen 10 mL of spikenard oil being sold for $140 and a single small bottle of sandalwood for over two hundred dollars. (crazy!)

Fortunately, by producing in bulk and cutting out middlemen, we have figured out a way to finally make the essential oils of the Bible affordable for Christians, all without sacrificing quality or cutting our oils with chemicals like some other brands.

This is the first time in history that biblical fragrances are readily affordable for the average Christian.


We have managed to work the sum cost of all six oils down to an unprecedented cost of only $202.94. But even at this price I felt that many sincere Christians would be cut out from experiencing the smells of the Bible. . . . This is why I have arranged for a limited number of boxes to be sold for ONLY $139.


Plus, When You Experience the 6 Aromas of The Gospel Today . . . You’ll Receive the FREE Original Gifts of the Magi.

How can we afford to continue to practically give away the precious oils of the Bible at such a low cost? To be completely frank with you: we can’t. Since we have slashed our margins and I simply refuse to charge for shipping, we are not turning a profit by running this deal. We can only do it with the confidence that you will love our oils and come back, and with the knowledge that we are spreading the Gospel in our own small way.

Unfortunately, this means that we can only offer a very limited amount of boxes at this price. Claim yours now to avoid the inevitable price hike.

Low Supply!


➡️Yes! Give me a $64 discount and rush me my box set of all 6 10ml pure essential oils of the Bible (Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedar, Spikenard, Sandalwood and Hyssop) with free shipping for just $139. Also, include 50g frankincense and myrrh resin in my order at no additional cost.


P.S. My intention in sharing these oils with other Christians is not only that they enjoy them for their delightful fragrance and physical properties, but that these oils inspire people to read their Bibles more and immerse themselves in scripture. When you receive your oils, I highly encourage you to look up the following verses: Psalm 45:7, Psalm 23:5, Proverbs 27:9, James 5:14, Psalm 141:2, and 2 Corinthians 2:15, as well as the other versus that are printed on each of the bottle labels. Remember, this may be your only chance to experience the fragrances of the Bible at such a low cost.


Mary Magdalene demonstrates her selfless devotion to Jesus by pouring an entire jar of costly spikenard oil over His feet.

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